About Us
Did you know that more than one million international students come to the US each year to study at colleges and universities around the country??  The University of South Florida (USF) is no exception with nearly 6,000 international students and scholars on campus*

The purpose of USF International InterVarsity is to welcome you as international students and scholars to Tampa and to USF. Our hope is that this will be a place where you have a sense of community during your time on campus. Whether you want to improve your conversational English skills,
 learn about different cultures, you are curious about what Chri
stians and what they believe,
or you want to grow in your faith and leadership
skills on campus and beyond
...this is the place for you!

* https://www.iie.org/Research-and-Insights/Open-Doors/Fact-Sheets-and-Infographics/Data-by-State-Fact-Sheets
Where to Get Started:
To find out if USF International InterVarsity is the place for you, click on any topic at the top of the page.

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Click on the blue "Contact Us!" button below and let us know what you are looking for:
@2022 USF International InterVarsity
All Rights Reserved.